Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Go find Zahrin...!!!

Syukur ke hadrat Allah S.W.T.

This is another birthday present.
Zahrin, if you stil remember him..

He had been chosen by karyaseni...
Go grab one of Melodi Cinta Edisi 2 & turn to page 300. You'll found him. ^^

Yes. Sadly I had to change my nickname because it's just hard to pronounce perhaps. Karyaseni ask me to. Huu.. Then poofff........ I become Luna Adresia. If you see Luna Adresia, then it's me s7eo, the same person. ^^

Thank you to all my blog readers. Please doakan Pink Smile & karya lain s7eo yang korang suka dapat di publish jugak because if it is, korang semua WAJIB dapatkan a copy. Hahaahahahhaa...

Love ya~ 

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  1. Sorry just nak tanya, selalunya kalau karya yang terpilih untuk antologi cerpen, berapa bayaran yang penerbit berikan?

    1. klo mcm kes zahrin ni, byrn dia skli je for 5 years klo x slp.. unless klau antologi tu dicetak lagi.. dorang akn maklum n mungkin ada pyment lgi.. klo cerpen zahrin ni dpt x smpai 1K~ hehe ^^

  2. sis dh tknk tulis cerpen ke? huhu..^-^

    1. hye there~ bz sangat.. tp tgh work on new piece tp bukan cerpen.. hehehe... ^^v


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